

बादल बरसा

पानी बहा

जल-थल एक हुआ

धरती ने सहा ,

अपने सूरज की अमानत मान

अपने अंदर भरा।

लौटाने की जन्मजात वृत्ति से प्रेरित

सृजन में रत्त

अपने हृदय से लगा कर

फिर लौटा कर

हो जाएगी तृप्त

सूरज से अपना

युगयुगांतर का रिश्ता निभा कर।

और साथ ही सारी सृष्टि को उसकी होने का मर्म समझा कर, विश्वास दिला कर ।

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Shashi Pathania
Born in July, 1955, Prof. Shashi Pathania is an academically experienced individual with a doctorate in Dogri (Dogri Verb), serving through various positions (including H.O.D.) within the Department of Dogri (Jammu University) retired as Professor in Dogri. She started writing in Dogri in the year 1984 and has written prolifically in various genres of Dogri including short story and poetry and has been Co-guide a scholar at Ph.D. level for making Machine translation tool. She has been conferred Sahitya Akademi Translation Award for the year 2012 in Dogri.


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