A Sonorous Song [Translated In English by Suman K. Sharma]


Abjure the clamorous beats of hate

And join in the chorus of love, O Mate!

Of death have we sung far too long –

Come, hum now life’s sonorous song!


Why do you fathom love’s lake?

Raise your arms, a dip you take –

Just as a fledgling about to fly

Cares not how deep is the sky.


Let’s to the stars and the Moon soar

And hug the deep blue once more.

Of death have we sung far too long –

Come, hum now life’s sonorous song!


The Sun hasn’t forgotten your walls high,

The Moon of your ramparts still fights shy;

The night still is lonely and long.  Forlorn?

Pass the eve, Mate, for a sunny morn!


Of hate have you made too long a haul.

Stop! Or you head for a yet more nightfall.

Of death have we sung far too long –

Come, hum now life’s sonorous song!


Master has gilt this body fine,

And put in it a soul sublime.

Don’t strew hatred on the Holy Soil –

Don’t leave barren a land fertile!


The crops of love flourish and grow

If only tears of love ‘n’ caring flow.

Of death have we sung far too long

Come, hum now life’s sonorous song!


Abjure then the clamorous beats of hate

And join in the chorus of love, O Mate!

Of death have we sung far too long –

Come, hum now life’s sonorous song!


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